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Bettina Staub, art historian, Vernissage speech on August 21, 2020 on the occasion of my solo exhibition in the space for art B74 in Lucerne: "The paper cuts of the group of works "women love women" are dedicated to the female erotic pleasure. The artist uses the different paper qualities - fibrous, smooth, rough sheets - very skillfully. She heightens the intensity of lovemaking through the choice and treatment of the paper: fine hairs line up on the outer lines of the silhouettes, sharply cut lines emphasize their suppleness. Here, too, there is a reference to art history: in the last phase of his life, Henri Matisse created his so-called "gouaches découpées," cuts of paper painted with colored gouache. His blue female nudes in this technique reflect - unlike Barbara Hennig's - the traditional male view of the female body."

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