2023 / 2024
Single Exhibition
From March 22 to May 8, 2024, eight prints will be on display as posters in the area in front of the "Redaktion" at Himmelrichstrasse 4, Lucerne. Vernissage: March 22, from 6 pm. Another print and my latest mini plaster works will be shown in the exhibition space. Curator: Stephan Wittmer. A catalog will accompany the exhibition, published by _957 Independent Art Magazine.
This work is about the worldwide unicorn hype that has not only gripped children, but also young adults. What is behind it? Why has the unicorn hype persisted for so long?
Is it about escaping reality in the face of the terrible images that reach us every day via the media? Is it a longing for an ideal world?
Interestingly, the unicorn hype is different to gadget trends with flamingos or sloths, which come and go. The unicorn is not just a trendy creature. Unicorns have been a myth for over 2000 years. In India and China, unicorns were a symbol of good luck. And in the West, it has been a symbol of Christ since the 5th century, as it was considered a symbol of strength, purity and chastity.
Today, unicorns are a symbol of tolerance and individualism. They stand for the need for harmony and security, which is rarely satisfied in everyday life. But it is also a symbol of protest. With the rainbow, the unicorn became a symbol of queer identities in the 1970s. Since then, it has also been a symbol of colorfulness, humanity and tolerance.
One unicorn - so many stories! In my photo series "Dearest Unicorn", I would like to address the further development of this story combined with the hope that the peaceful place of longing on earth will become a reality for all people.
The photographic works will be reprinted for sale. Variable sizes. Edition: 5 copies / 2 artist prints
Go to the "Photography" section to see a large selection of photos.
Many thanks to my wonderful model @animosaa